The Elusive Front Floor Mat
The moulded front floor mat in a Land Cruiser 40 Series has been discontinued for quite some time. As the years go by, most of the original floor mats have gotten quite tattered if still present. Various aftermarket solutions have been offered, ranging from multi-piece stitched together to one big blob of material with no pattern. It's fair to say all have fallen short of the original design. As a result, the desirability and scarcity of the original floor mat have pushed prices of decent examples to astronomical levels. We've seen this scenario before! Therefore, we decided to undertake a project to...
Land Cruiser Modernization
We are generally fans of stock, because we appreciate the charm of period details and the old school driving experience. As a bonus, originality is sought after in the market place and helps to maintain the value of your Cruiser. However, what if you want to use your rig as a daily driver, and must deal with the realities of life after Sunday? Well, there are a few ways you can update your Land Cruiser to modern standards without committing to permanent changes, as these "mods" (modernization, not modification) are all reversible. Having said that, we doubt you'll ever go...
Whether you are new to us, or if you've known us through other channels such as IH8MUD tech forums, our manual shopping site on Shutterfly, or through eBay, I'd like to welcome you to our new home! It's great to finally have our own cave. Our story started in 2014, when I needed an air intake hose for my FJ40. That's when I learned Toyota has stopped making many of the parts we probably take granted. When a worn out used piece finally turns up, you'd still be paying a premium for rarity -- if you're lucky enough to get it. There has got to be a better way....